Osteopathy was developed by American frontier physician, Dr Andrew Taylor Still. He discovered Osteopathy in 1870 and it was formally taught from 1892 onwards.
Dr Andrew Taylor Still believed that the body is a functional unit and should be treated as a whole.
Osteopathy is founded on the intimate study of applied anatomy and physiology to observe the dynamic healing of the whole person. Through a sense of touch, an Osteopath assists in restoring health of disturbed tissues whether from trauma or illness.
The name osteopathy stems from the Latin ‘osteon’ for structure, and ‘pathos’ for passion for. Osteopaths are often mistakenly thought of as ‘bone doctors’, but our speciality, or passion, is for structure as a whole.
Biodynamic Therapy is a branch of osteopathy which is a gentle, non-invasive holistic natural therapy. It is beneficial in treating a wide range of conditions and can bring about profound healing at all levels; physical, mental, energetic, and emotional.